Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

acid Rain

Acid rain is rain with pH less than 5.7. Acid rain was first introduced by Robert Angus Smith in 1852. At that time, Robert Angus Smith found the relationship between the rain with air pollution. Acid rain was first reported to occur in the City of Manchester, England.
Simply put, the reaction of acid rain formation as follows:

This acid rain can be formed as a result of the reaction process gas containing sulfate. Sulfuric dioxide (SO2), which reacts with oxygen (O2) with the help of ultraviolet light emanating from the sun. This process will produce sulfuric trioxide (SO3), which fused after the reaction, namely through the sea water rising into the air with the goal of producing sulfide acid (H2SO4), the process is then fused with the gas contained in the air as ammonia, which produces a new particle arrangement is sulfuric acid ammonia.
The remaining particles in the air and settles to form fine droplets moved by the wind from one place to another. When the fall rain is correct, then the droplets of sulfuric acid (sulfate) and the grains of sulphate of ammonia will decompose in the rain and fell to the earth's surface becomes acid rain.
Acid rain is not good for the environment (ecosystem) and extremely dangerous if used by humans, because of acid rain water has a very bitter taste and can increase the acidity of water.
Nitrogen Oxide (NO) with sulfuric oxides (SO) is a part in the formation of acid rain. Nitrogen oxides will change the oxygen and ultraviolet light into nitrogen acid. As with other substances, he will remain in the air with wind gusts as well as a place suitable for heavy rain, and then decompose to form acid rain that was spicy and stinging.
Acidic pollutants that can cause acid rain are pollutants of fossil fuels (eg, oil, coal) are found in high levels in the exhaust of internal combustion engines (eg automobile exhaust). Acid rain can also occur in other forms such as snow.
Acid rain occurs when polluted gases become trapped in the cloud. Clouds can drift up to hundreds or even thousands of kilometers before finally releasing acid rain.
Acid rain is usually difficult to distinguish from ordinary rain water because of the color and taste almost the same.
But the skin can feel the acid rain if the rain water directly on the skin makes the itching or redness. For people with low immunity will immediately experience dizziness.
The danger perceived by humans does not occur directly, even to some people who are not very sensitive to changes in pH, swim in the pool that has been polluted acid rain will not cause an immediate effect.
Pollution that causes acid rain is sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which can be harmful and damaging to human health.
These gases in the atmosphere interact to form fine sulfate and nitrate particles that can be brought up to great distances by winds and inhaled deep into the human lung.

Fine particles can also penetrate the room. Many scientific studies have identified an association between elevated levels of fine particles and increased illness and premature death due to heart and lungs, like asthma and bronchitis.

Hazards that can be caused by acid rain:
1. For plants
If the substances contained in acid rain is absorbed by plants, then plant it will be damaged and then die. Some types of plants may be able to tolerate the acidic water. But for sensitive plants, especially species that are still young, acid rain can kill him.
2. For animals
Animals will be polluted acid rain, especially aquatic animals like fish. Fish can not live in water that has a low pH.
3. For buildings and metal objects
Buildings and historic buildings, such as temples and other old buildings, will also be damaged by acid rain constantly. In addition, objects that are derived from any metal will rust quickly and porous.
4. For humans
Acid rain can cause various diseases, such as respiratory diseases, skin diseases, even cancer.
Naturally acid rain can occur due to bursts of volcanoes and from biological processes in soil, marshes, and sea. However, the majority of acid rain caused by human activities such as industry, power plants, motor vehicles and agricultural processing plants (mainly ammonia).

How to prevent:
To prevent the occurrence of acid rain, one way is to reduce the cause, namely pollution udara.Untuk reduce air pollution, the way he is reducing the use of motor vehicles and fuels to replace oil with alternative energy sources are environmentally friendly, such as gas, solar, wind power, and so on. That way, we come to save the earth and our own lives.

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