Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Hal-Hal yang dibenci cowok dari seorang wanitaa.....

Pernah tidak anda (seorang cewek) tiba-tiba saat bermesraan dengan cowok anda, terus tiba-tiba cowok anda sikapnya berubah 90 derajat ? Mungkin yang jadi sebabnya adalah sebagai berikut :D . Saya akan coba membahas beberapa hal yang dibenci cowok dari seorang wanita :D
1. Anda membicarakan tentang mantan kekasih anda.

Percaya atau tidak, jika anda membandingkan si “dia” dengan mantan kekasih anda maka yang terjadi si cowok anda yang sekarang merasa tersaingi dan hatinya dongkol :D . Coba aja deh waktu lagi romantis-romantisnya, lalu anda membicarakan tentang gimana mantan anda, maka yang ada cowok anda malah jadi uring-uringan.

2. Nge-Date atau Pacaran di tempat-tempat Mewah dan Mahal

Ini berlaku bagi semua cowok lo :D mau kaya atau miskin, kalo kamu (cewek) terus-terusan ngajak hidup mewah-mewahan. Cowokmu juga bisa aja anggep kamu cewek matre dan dia jadi males kalo ngajak jalan kamu lagi :D . Boleh lah sekali-kali ke restaurant atau tempat mewah. Tapi jangan terus-terusan. Soalnya hidup selalu dibawah dan diatas :D kalo pas diatas sih oke-oke aja. Takutnya kalo pas dibawah nanti ga terbiasa di kaki lima bisa gawat :D . Gawatnya si cewek akan pindah ke lain hati :))

3. Selalu Ingin Dipuji

Cowok itu orangnya cuek. Mereka ga begitu suka kalo ceweknya tiap kali ketemu minta dipuji dan dipuji :D . Jadi aja cewek sederhana dan humoris :D . Mau dipuji atau dijelek-jelekin ma cowokmu (jelek-jelekinnya dalam artian becanda) harus diterima :D .

4. kalau dandan lama
kalau gue sih sukanya ma ce tuh yang alami ajja...ga sah deh yg terlalu berlebihan.... yaa kalau pke jilbb yg model skrng sih agak lumyn lamaa....krna perluu di tata sedemikian rupaa.... yaa tau siihh dya dandan itu buat kitaa jugaa,,,,, pii yaaa jngn terlalu lamaa dehh..cowok paling ga sukaa yang namanya "menunggu"

5. bau mulut
wah kalau satu inii kebangetan banget kalau terjadii ma kaum hawaa....berartii tuh ce ga sukaa ngerawat dirii...sampai hal yg sepele ginii ajjaa ga bisa dya jaga.... kalau kesalon ajja tiap bulan..giliran menjaga bau mulut ajjaa susah bangett.....

itu ajja siihh yg bisaaa guee bagii..... kalau ada tambahan lagiii silahkan ajjaa tambahkan yaaa brooo

10 cara menaklukan Hati Wanita

10 cara menaklukan hati seorang wanitaa.... sebagian pemgalaman pribadi dan ad juga sebgai pengalaman pribadi nya teman gue..... langsung ajja yaa,,,,

1. Bersikap lah jadi diri loe sendri be your self...
2. kasih hadiah...biasanya cewe paling suka sama yg namanya surprise...kasih hadiah yg slama inii dia inginkan...jangn pernah berpikir cinta ga pke uang..cinta perlu pengorbanaan dan perjuaangn broo....

3. usahakan loe harus peka dengan keadaan dya...apapun ituu....
4. Dengarkan bila dia cerita.

5. selalu ada buat dya..di saat dya g down...maupun g dalam masalah....ushakan loe sllu da kapan pun dya perlu loe

6. Jadi Yang Terbaik
7. Tidak memaksa
maksudnya ini tidak memaksa diri kita cepe-cepet nembak cewek target kita.Usahakan kita sabar nunggu waktu yang tepat

8. Jual Mahal Sedikit
Ada hubungannya dengan sama no 7 kita.Meskipun kita tahu dia suka kita tapi agak jaim dikit lah jangan asal sruduk aja.

9. Kasih perhtian lebih bro.... hal yg sepele bisa berpengaruh besar bgi ce.... cewe paling suka yg namanya perhtian.... sekeras2 nya hatii ce dya pasti akan luluh dengan loe kasih dya perhtian broo..Gue udah ngalamin nyaa hehhe

10. Selalu perhtiin dya..mksdnya buat dya merasa spesial broo....

kalau sdah d jalani dan loe ga berhasil jugaa...komen ajjaa d siniii nantii gue jawab dmnaa masalah loe...okee..silahkan cobaaa..... semoga berhasil broooo

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

acid Rain

Acid rain is rain with pH less than 5.7. Acid rain was first introduced by Robert Angus Smith in 1852. At that time, Robert Angus Smith found the relationship between the rain with air pollution. Acid rain was first reported to occur in the City of Manchester, England.
Simply put, the reaction of acid rain formation as follows:

This acid rain can be formed as a result of the reaction process gas containing sulfate. Sulfuric dioxide (SO2), which reacts with oxygen (O2) with the help of ultraviolet light emanating from the sun. This process will produce sulfuric trioxide (SO3), which fused after the reaction, namely through the sea water rising into the air with the goal of producing sulfide acid (H2SO4), the process is then fused with the gas contained in the air as ammonia, which produces a new particle arrangement is sulfuric acid ammonia.
The remaining particles in the air and settles to form fine droplets moved by the wind from one place to another. When the fall rain is correct, then the droplets of sulfuric acid (sulfate) and the grains of sulphate of ammonia will decompose in the rain and fell to the earth's surface becomes acid rain.
Acid rain is not good for the environment (ecosystem) and extremely dangerous if used by humans, because of acid rain water has a very bitter taste and can increase the acidity of water.
Nitrogen Oxide (NO) with sulfuric oxides (SO) is a part in the formation of acid rain. Nitrogen oxides will change the oxygen and ultraviolet light into nitrogen acid. As with other substances, he will remain in the air with wind gusts as well as a place suitable for heavy rain, and then decompose to form acid rain that was spicy and stinging.
Acidic pollutants that can cause acid rain are pollutants of fossil fuels (eg, oil, coal) are found in high levels in the exhaust of internal combustion engines (eg automobile exhaust). Acid rain can also occur in other forms such as snow.
Acid rain occurs when polluted gases become trapped in the cloud. Clouds can drift up to hundreds or even thousands of kilometers before finally releasing acid rain.
Acid rain is usually difficult to distinguish from ordinary rain water because of the color and taste almost the same.
But the skin can feel the acid rain if the rain water directly on the skin makes the itching or redness. For people with low immunity will immediately experience dizziness.
The danger perceived by humans does not occur directly, even to some people who are not very sensitive to changes in pH, swim in the pool that has been polluted acid rain will not cause an immediate effect.
Pollution that causes acid rain is sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which can be harmful and damaging to human health.
These gases in the atmosphere interact to form fine sulfate and nitrate particles that can be brought up to great distances by winds and inhaled deep into the human lung.

Fine particles can also penetrate the room. Many scientific studies have identified an association between elevated levels of fine particles and increased illness and premature death due to heart and lungs, like asthma and bronchitis.

Hazards that can be caused by acid rain:
1. For plants
If the substances contained in acid rain is absorbed by plants, then plant it will be damaged and then die. Some types of plants may be able to tolerate the acidic water. But for sensitive plants, especially species that are still young, acid rain can kill him.
2. For animals
Animals will be polluted acid rain, especially aquatic animals like fish. Fish can not live in water that has a low pH.
3. For buildings and metal objects
Buildings and historic buildings, such as temples and other old buildings, will also be damaged by acid rain constantly. In addition, objects that are derived from any metal will rust quickly and porous.
4. For humans
Acid rain can cause various diseases, such as respiratory diseases, skin diseases, even cancer.
Naturally acid rain can occur due to bursts of volcanoes and from biological processes in soil, marshes, and sea. However, the majority of acid rain caused by human activities such as industry, power plants, motor vehicles and agricultural processing plants (mainly ammonia).

How to prevent:
To prevent the occurrence of acid rain, one way is to reduce the cause, namely pollution udara.Untuk reduce air pollution, the way he is reducing the use of motor vehicles and fuels to replace oil with alternative energy sources are environmentally friendly, such as gas, solar, wind power, and so on. That way, we come to save the earth and our own lives.

Mengenal Mengkudu (obat hipertensi)

Mengenal Mengkudu/Pace
Pohon setinggi 3-8 m dengan batang pokok jelas. Daun bertepi rata, berwarna hijau kekuningan. Bunganya berbentuk bonggol diketiak daun. Buahnya berbenjol-benjol tidak teratur. Panjangnya mencapai 5-10 cm. pace tumbuh pada tanah berkapur ketinggian 1.000m dpl.
Kandungan dan khasiat

Scopoletin, senyawa ini berfungsi mengatur tekanan darah. Saat tekanan darah tinggi, scopoletin membantu menurunkan. Sebaliknya bila tekanan darah menjadi rendah, ia akan menaikkannya. Selain berindikasi antibakteri, senyawa ini juga mengatur hormone serotonin, yang membantu menurunkan kadar kecemasan dan depresi.
Morindin, zat ini berkhasiat dalam meningkatkan system pertahanan tubuh. Selain dua zat di atas, pace juga mengandung gum, asam malat, asam sitrat, dan senyawa antiseptic.
Hasil Penelitian

Berdasarkan penelitian, ada sekitar 61 lebih senyawa berkhasiat yang dikandung mengkudu. Mereka bekerja secara sinergis dan misterius. Contohnya, beberapa senyawa yang berperan aktif dalam pengobatan penyakit tertentu, bukan berarti hanya senyawa itu yang berkontribusi. Tapi disokong juga oleh senyawa lainnya. Itulah sebabnya mengkonsumsi hasil ekstraksi satu senyawa bakal berbeda khasiatnya dibandingkan dengan kalau kita menenggak sari buah mengkudu secara keseluruhan.
Katakanlah dalam mengobati tekanan darah. Sari buah mengkudu bisa meningkatkan tekanan darah bagi penderita darah rendah tapi di lain sisi bisa menurunkan tensi darah bagi penderita hipertensi. Fenomena itu tidak akan terjadi pada buah mengkudu yang diekstrak.
Menurut penelitian dr. Mona Harrison dari fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Bolton, konsumsi sari buah megkudu akan membantu penyediaan hormone xeronine. Xeronine dari mengkudu bekerja secara kontradiktif. Pada penderita tekanan darah tinggi, xeronin menurunkan tekanan darah menjadi normal. Pada penderita tekanan darah rendah, mengkudu meningkatkan tekanan darah darah. Dengan kata lain, sari buah mengkudu berfungsi sebagai adaptogen, penyeimbang fungsi sel-sel tubuh.
Efek kontradiktif buah mengkudu juga telah diteliti oleh Y. Murati (1981) dari fakultas Kedokteran UGM. Perasan daging buah mengkudu memberikan perubahan sangat berarti pada jantung, yaitu menurunkan kekuatan kontraksi otot jantung, menurunkan kecepatan denyut jantung dan menaikkan jumlah aliran darah koroner jantung setiap

Sejarah Kimia Farma

Kimia Farma merupakan pioner dalam industri farmasi Indonesia. Cikal bakal perusahaan dapat dirunut balik ke tahun 1917 ketika NV Chemicalien Handle Rathkamp & Co., perusahaan farmasi pertama di Hindia Timur, didirikan. Sejalan dengan kebijakan nasionalisasi eks perusahaan-perusahaan Belanda, pada tahun 1958 pemerintah melebur sejumlah perusahaan farmasi menjadi PNF Bhinneka Kimia Farma. Selanjutnya pada tanggal 16 Agustus 1971 bentuk hukumnya diubah menjadi perseroan terbatas, menjadi PT Kimia Farma (Persero). Sejak tanggal 4 Juli 2001 Kimia Farma tercatat sebagai perusahaan publik di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan BUrsa Efek Surabaya
Berbekal tradisi industri yang panjang selama lebih dari 187 tahun dan nama yang identik dengan mutu, hari ini Kimia Farma telah berkembang menjadi sebuah perusahaan pelayanan kesehatan utama di Indonesia yang kian memainkan peranan penting dalam pengembangan dan pembangunan bangsa dan masyarakat.
PT. Kimia Farma juga telah melakukan ekspansi bisnisnya tidak hanya di tingkat nasional tapi juga mulai memasuki tingkat perdagangan internasional. Produk-produk Kimia Farma yang mencakup produk obat jadi dan sediaan farmasi serta bahan baku obat seperti Iodine dan Quinine telah memasuki pasar dinegara : Erope, India, Jepang, Taiwan and New Zealand. Produk Jadi dan Kosmetik telah dipasarkan ke Yemen, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Malaysia, Vietnam, Sudan, and Papua New Guinea. Demikian juga untuk produk-produk herbal yang berasal dari bahan alami juga telah dipersiapkan proses registrasinya untuk memasuki pasar baru seperti : Filipina, Myanmar, Pakistan, Uni Emirat Arab, Oman, Bahrain and Bangladesh. Produk Herbal merupakan target utama korporasi untuk periode mendatang mengingat banyaknya peminat dan pembeli potensial yang telah menunjukkan minat untuk melakukan hubungan bisnis dengan perusahaan

Sumber Wikepidia.Kimiafarma.com

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Kisah Ku..

Dulu waktu aq masih SD aq selalu dibangunkan oleh alarm pd waktu subuh...tp suatu hari aq lupa pasang alarm....lalu mama menyiram q dgn kuah INDOMIE....itu cerita q....apa ceritamu ............

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Interaksi Farmakokinetika Kombinasi Obat

Memperhatikan aspek farmakokinetik dari obat-obat Ini. Oleh karena itu dapat terjadi dalam suatu kombinasi obat terdapat komponen-komponen zat aktif yang berlainan parameter farmakokinetiknya, khususnya waktu paru heliminasi,sehingga apabila dikonsumsi secara bersamaan dan dengan pemberian berulang yang sama, dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya akumulasi pada salah satu obat atau keduanya. Kombinasi obat semacam ini banyak terdapat dalam obat flu atau obat batuk, diantaranya kombinasi obat yang mengandung parasetamol dan fenilpropanolamin hidroklorida.
Parasetamol (asetaminofen) merupakan turunan senyawa sintetis dari p-aminofenol yang memberikan efek analgesia dan antipiretika.Senyawa ini mempunyai nama kimia N-asetil-p-aminofenol atau p-asetamidofenol atau 4’-hidroksiasetanilid, bobot molekul 151,16denganrumuskimia C8H9NO2 StrukturMolekulParasetamol
Fenilpropanolamin hidroklorida adalah senyawa yang termasuk dalam obat simpatomimetis yang secara struktur berkaitan dengan efedrin hidroklorida. Nama kimia dari Fenilpropanolaminhidroklorida (dl- norefedrin) adalah α-(1-aminoetil) benzyl alcohol hidroklorida atau 1-fenil-1-amino-1-propanol hidroklorida.Senyawa ini mempunyai berat molekul 187,67 dan hasil penelitian sebelumnya diketahui parasetamol memiliki waktu paruh eliminasi antara 1–3 jam sedangkan fenilpropanolaminhidroklorida memiliki waktu paruh eliminasi antara 3–6 jam.

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

BISOPROLOL 5mg Bisoprolol Hemifumarate

Indikasi : Hiertensi, baik sebagai monoterapi ataupun sebagai kombinasi dengan obat antihipertensi yang lainnya.

KontraIndikasi : Gagal jantung akut atau selama periode seragan jantung yang membutuhkan terapi inotropik,shock kardiogenik, blok AV derajat dua atau tiga,blok sinatrial, brakikardia., dengan denyut jantung kurang dari 60 denyut/menit sebelum mulai terap, hipotensi (tekanan darah sistolik kurang dari 100mm Hg), peripheral arterial occlusive tahap akhir, dan sindrom Raynaud"s. Slick sinus syndrome, asma bronkial yang parah, dan kerusakan paru-paru kronis. Paeokromositoma yang tidak di tangani. Metabolik asidosis. Pasien yang hipersensitifitas terhadap obat ini.

Dosis Dan Cara Pemberian : Hipertensi : 1 tablet (5mg bisoprolol Hemifumarat) sekali sehari diminum pada pagi hari setelah atau sebelum makan. Pada kasus yang lebih ringan ,cukup 1 tablet sehari. Pada sebagian besar kasus, umumnya dapat ditangani dengan 2 tablet sehari, kecuali pada kasus yang lebih berat memerlukan 4 tablet sehari. Untuk pasien yang memiliki gagal ginjal tahap akhir atau disfungsi hati berat,dosis maksimum yang diperbolehkan adalah 2 tablet sehari.

Efek Samping : Yang diketahui ,berasal dari studi pasca pemasaran dengan obat ini yang digunakan dalam penanganan hipertensi dan penyakit jantung koroner.. Umum nya rasa dingin atau beku pada jari-jari tangan dan kaki,kelelahan, lemah dan lesu, pusing , sakit kepala, mual ,diare, muntah , konstipasi.  Tidak Umumnya.. lemah dan kejang otot,brakikardia,gangguan stimulasi AV, gagal jantung yang semakin parah , hipotensi ortostatik, gangguan tidur, depresi, bronkospasma pada pasien yang memiliki asma bronkial atau sejarah gangguan pernafasan .  Jarang  .. Mimpi buruk ,halusinasi reaksi hifersensitifitas (kulit gatal,merah,ruam pada gangguan pendengaran, rhinitis alergi, mata menjadi kering )


[Record scratching sounds]
[Rapper] Yo, brother A to Z
[Mraz] Yo, whassup B?
[Rapper] Yo, what time is it?
[Mraz] Haha it's laundry day

Well, let the geek in the pink take a stab at it
If you like the way I'm thinkin', baby, wink at it
I may be skinny at times but I'm fat fulla rhymes
Pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it
Well, isn't it delicious, crazy way that I'm kissin'
'Cause baby listen to this, don't wanna miss it while it's hittin'
Sometimes you gotta fit in to get in
But don't ever quit 'cause soon I'm gonna let you in, but see

I don't care what you might think about me
You can vibe without me if you want
I could be the one to take you home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink
Like the geek in the pink, pink, pink
The geek in the pink, yeah

Well this relationship fodder don't mean to bother nobody
But Cupid's automatic musta fired multiple shots at her
Because she fall in love too often that's what the matter
At least I talk about it keep my pattern of flattery and
She was starin' through the doorframe
Eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend
Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then
Cause I ain't comin' home I don't need that attention, see

I don't care what she might think about me
She'll get by without me if she wants
I could be the one to take her home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Hey baby look at me go
From zero to hero
You better take it from a geek like me
I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums
Who wouldn't care if you com...plete him or not

So what I've got a short attention span
A coke in my hand
Because I'd rather have the afternoon, relax and understand
My hip hop and flip-flops it don't stop with the light rock
A shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot
The hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so I'm
Developing a language and I'm callin' it my own
So take a peek into the speaker and you'll see what I mean
That on the other side the grass is greener

I don't care what you might think about me
You'll get by without me if you want
I could be the one to take you home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out/on
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink
Well, I'm the geek in the pink, yo pink pink
Geek is the color for fall, I'm the geek in the pink yeah
So I'm the geek yo, in the pink yo.
Hahah, y'all geek is the new color for fall
I'm the geek in the pink


Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her lips, her lips
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful


Farmakologi : simvastatin merupakan obat yang menurunkan kadar kolesterol, yang di hasilkan secara sintesis sebagai  produk fermentasi Aspergillus terreus. Secara in-vivo simvastatin akan dihidrolisis menjadi metabolit aktif. Mekanisme kerja dari metabolit aktif tersebut adalah menghambat 3-hidroksi-3-metilglutaril koenzim A reduktase (HMG Co-A reduktase). Dimana enzim ini mengkatalisasi perubahan HMG Co-A menjadi asam mevalonat yang merupakan langkah awal dari biosintesis kolesterol.

Indikasi : Terapi dengan zat yang mempengaruhi kadar lemak, dapat dipertimbangkan penggunaannya pada individu berisiko atherosklerosis yang disebabkan oleh hiperkolesterolmia. Terapi denga zat yang mempengaruhi kadar lemak jenuh dan kolesterol, bila respon terhadap diet dan pengobatan farmakologi lainnya tidak memadai.

penyakit jantung koroner dan hiperkolesterolmia,simvastatin di indikasikan untuk :

1. Mengurangi resiko mortalitas jantung koroner dengan mengurangi kematian akibat penyakit koroner.

2. Mengurangi resiko infark miokardial non fatal.

3. Mengurangi resiko pada pasien yang menjalani revaskularisasi miokardial

Hiperkolesterolmia : Simvastatin diindikasikan untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol total dan LDL pada penderita hiperkolesterolmia primer (tipe IIa dan IIb).

KontraIndikasi  : - Hipersensitif terhadap simvastatin atau komponen obat ini. Penyakit Hati aktif atau peningkatan Transaminase serum yang menetap yang tidak jelas penyebabnya. Wanita Hamil menyusui.

Efek Samping : - Nyeri perut,konstipasi,astenia,sakit kepala,miopati,rabdomiolisis. pada kasus tertentu terjadi angioneurotik edema. Reaksi hipersensitif misalnya Anafilaksis,angiodema,trombositopenia, leukopenia,anemia hemolitik.                          


Pharmacology: Simvastatin is a drug that lowers cholesterol levels, which is derived by synthesis as a fermentation product of Aspergillus terreus. The in-vivo simvastatin would hydrolyzed into active metabolites. Mechanism of action of the active metabolite is inhibiting 3-hydroxy-3-metilglutaril coenzyme A reductase (HMG Co-A reductase). Where these enzymes catalyze changes in HMG Co-A into mevalonat acid which is the initial step of cholesterol biosynthesis.

Indications: Treatment with substances that affect the fat content, can be considered its use in individuals at risk of atherosclerosis caused by hiperkolesterolmia. Premises Therapeutic substances that affect levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, when response to diet and other pharmacological treatments are inadequate.

coronary heart disease and hiperkolesterolmia, simvastatin at indicated for:

1. Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease mortality by reducing deaths from coronary disease.

2. Reduce the risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction.

3. Reduce the risk in patients undergoing myocardial revascularization

Hiperkolesterolmia: Simvastatin is indicated to reduce total and LDL cholesterol levels in patients with primary hiperkolesterolmia (type IIa and IIb).

Contraindications: - Hypersensitivity to simvastatin or components of this drug. Active liver disease or elevated serum transaminase who settled unclear cause. Pregnant woman breastfeeding.

Side Effects: - Abdominal pain, constipation, asthenia, headache, myopathy, rabdomiolisis. in certain cases occur angioneurotik edema. Hypersensitivity reactions such as Anaphylaxis, angiodema, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, hemolytic anemia.

Cara pembuatan Batik

Semula batik dibuat di atas bahan kain dengan warna putih yang terbuat dari kapas yang dinamakan kain mori Dewasa ini batik juga dibuat di atas bahan lain seperti sutera, poliester, rayon dan bahan sintetis lainnya. motif batik dibentuk dengan cairan lilin dengan menggunakan alat yang dinamakan canting untuk motif halus, atau kuas untuk motif berukuran besar, sehingga cairan lilin meresap ke dalam serat kain.
Kain yang telah dilukis dengan lilin kemudian dicelup kedalam larutan warna yang diinginkan, biasanya dimulai dari warna-warna muda. Pencelupan kemudian dilakukan untuk motif lain dengan warna lebih tua atau gelap. Setelah beberapa kali proses pewarnaan, kain yang telah dibatik dicelupkan ke dalam air mendidih untuk menghilangkan lilin dari dalam serat-serat kain.

Batik Indonesia

Batik adalah salah satu cara pembuatan bahan pakaian. Selain itu batik bisa mengacu pada dua hal.
1.Yang pertama adalah teknik pewarnaan kain dengan menggunakan malam untuk mencegah meresapnya pewarnaan kedalam serat kain pada, sebagian dari kain. Dalam literatur internasional, teknik ini dikenal sebagai wax-resist dyeing.
2.Pengertian kedua adalah kain atau busana yang dibuat dengan teknik tersebut, termasuk penggunaan motif-motif tertentu yang memiliki kekhasan.
Batik Indonesia, sebagai keseluruhan teknik, teknologi, serta pengembangan motif dan budaya yang terkait, oleh UNESCO telah ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Kemanusiaan untuk Budaya.
Seni pewarnaan kain dengan teknik pencegahan meresapnya warna kedalam serat kain dengan menggunakan malam adalah salah satu bentuk seni kuno. Penemuan di Mesir menunjukkan bahwa teknik ini telah dikenal semenjak abad ke-4 SM, dengan diketemukannya kain pembungkus mumi yang juga dilapisi malam untuk membentuk pola.
Di Asia, teknik serupa batik juga diterapkan di Tiongkok semasa Dinasti T'ang (618-907) serta di India dan Jepang semasa Periode Nara (645-794). Di Afrika, teknik seperti batik dikenal oleh Suku Yoruba di Nigeria, serta Suku Soninke dan Wolof di Senegal.[2].
Di Indonesia, batik dipercaya sudah ada semenjak zaman Majapahit, dan menjadi sangat populer akhir abad XVIII atau awal abad XIX. Batik yang dihasilkan ialah semuanya batik tulis sampai awal abad XX dan batik cap baru dikenal setelah Perang Dunia I atau sekitar tahun 1920-an.[3]
Walaupun kata "batik" berasal dari bahasa Jawa, kehadiran batik di Jawa sendiri tidaklah tercatat. G.P. Rouffaer berpendapat bahwa tehnik batik ini kemungkinan diperkenalkan dari India atau Srilangka pada abad ke-6 atau ke-7. [2]Di sisi lain, J.L.A. Brandes (arkeolog Belanda) dan F.A. Sutjipto (arkeolog Indonesia) percaya bahwa tradisi batik adalah asli dari daerah seperti Toraja, Flores, Halmahera, dan Papua.
Perlu dicatat bahwa wilayah tersebut bukanlah area yang dipengaruhi oleh Hinduisme tetapi diketahui memiliki tradisi kuna membuat batik.[4]
G.P. Rouffaer juga melaporkan bahwa pola gringsing sudah dikenal sejak abad ke-12 di Kediri, Jawa Timur. Dia menyimpulkan bahwa pola seperti ini hanya bisa dibentuk dengan menggunakan alat canting, sehingga ia berpendapat bahwa canting ditemukan di Jawa pada masa sekitar itu.[4]
Detil ukiran kain yang menyerupai pola batik dikenakan oleh Prajnaparamita, arca dewi kebijaksanaan buddhis dari Jawa Timur abad ke-13. Detil pakaian menampilkan pola sulur tumbuhan dan kembang-kembang rumit yang mirip dengan pola batik tradisional Jawa yang dapat ditemukan kini. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa membuat pola batik yang rumit yang hanya dapat dibuat dengan canting telah dikenal di Jawa sejak abad ke-13 atau bahkan lebih awal.
Legenda dalam literatur Melayu abad ke-17, Sulalatus Salatin menceritakan Laksamana Hang Nadim yang diperintahkan oleh Sultan Mahmud untuk berlayar ke India agar mendapatkan 140 lembar kain serasah dengan pola 40 jenis bunga pada setiap lembarnya. Karena tidak mampu memenuhi perintah itu, dia membuat sendiri kain-kain itu. Namun sayangnya kapalnya karam dalam perjalanan pulang dan hanya mampu membawa empat lembar sehingga membuat sang Sultan kecewa.[5] Oleh beberapa penafsir,who? serasah itu ditafsirkan sebagai batik.
Dalam literatur Eropa, teknik batik ini pertama kali diceritakan dalam buku History of Java (London, 1817) tulisan Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Ia pernah menjadi Gubernur Inggris di Jawa semasa Napoleon menduduki Belanda. Pada 1873 seorang saudagar Belanda Van Rijekevorsel memberikan selembar batik yang diperolehnya saat berkunjung ke Indonesia ke Museum Etnik di Rotterdam dan pada awal abad ke-19 itulah batik mulai mencapai masa keemasannya. Sewaktu dipamerkan di Exposition Universelle di Paris pada tahun 1900, batik Indonesia memukau publik dan seniman.[2]
Semenjak industrialisasi dan globalisasi, yang memperkenalkan teknik otomatisasi, batik jenis baru muncul, dikenal sebagai batik cap dan batik cetak, sementara batik tradisional yang diproduksi dengan teknik tulisan tangan menggunakan canting dan malam disebut batik tulis. Pada saat yang sama imigran dari Indonesia ke Persekutuan Malaya juga membawa batik bersama mereka.


TARIVID 200 mg Tablets
TARIVID 400 mg Tablets
TARIVID I.V. 200 mg

TARIVID 200 mg Tablets:
Each tablet contains 200 mg
TARIVID 400 mg Tablets:
Each tablet contains 400 mg Ofloxacin.
TARIVID I.V. 200 mg:
Each 100 mL infusion solution contains 220 mg ofloxacin hydrochloride, equivalent to 200 mg Ofloxacin.

A: 20.1.1 Broad and medium spectrum antibiotics.

TARIVID is a quinolone carboxylic acid derivative which has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
TARIVID exerts its effect by inhibiting the bacterial DNA gyrase, which is responsible for coiling the genetic material as a prerequisite for bacterial multiplication.
The mode of action, range of activities, duration of action and MIC levels have been established mainly by means of in vitro studies using bacterial isolates.
TARIVID is readily absorbed and excreted mainly unchanged in the urine.
The serum elimination half life is approximately 6-8 hours.
Following oral administration, TARIVID peak serum concentrations are reached within one to two hours.
The plasma level usually achieved by the recommended dosage regimen (3-4 micrograms/mL) is in excess of the average MIC which is 1-2 micrograms/mL, for susceptible organisms.
TARIVID has a low (9,4%) plasma protein binding.
TARIVID has a bactericidal effect.
In vitro tests show that strains in which the sensitivity varies include pneumococci and ureaplasma urealyticum.
Strains that are normally resistant are:
Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Eubacterium spp., Fusobacterium spp. and Treponema pallidum.

TARIVID is indicated for the treatment of the following bacterial infections if these are due to ofloxacin-sensitive pathogens:
Lower respiratory tract infections caused byHaemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Infections of the urinary tract.
Sexually transmitted diseases: Acute uncomplicated urethral and cervical gonorrhoea, urethritis and cervicitis due toChlamydia trachomatis. Mixed infections of the urethra and cervix due toChlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea.
Prevention of colonisation by gram negative organisms as part of a multi-antimicrobial regimen in patients with neutropenia, secondary to cytostatic therapy.

Hypersensitivity to ofloxacin or related chemotherapeutic agents of the quinolone-derivative group, or any of the excipients.
TARIVID should not be administered to pregnant or lactating women.
TARIVID should not be administered to patients with cerebral convulsive disorders.
TARIVID is contra-indicated in epileptics. TARIVID must not be used in patients with pre-existing central nervous system (CNS) lesions involving a lowered convulsant threshold, e.g. after cerebrocranial injuries, inflammations in the region of the CNS, or stroke.
In children or adolescents in the growth phase.
In patients with a history of tendon disorders related to fluoroquinolone administration.

Even when used as instructed, TARIVID may alter reactivity to such an extent that the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery may be impaired.
Animal studies have shown that TARIVID may affect joint development in immature animals.
Tarivid should not be given to patients under 18 years of age.
Clostridium difficile - associated disease:
Diarrhoea, particularly if severe and/or persistent, occurring during treatment or in the initial weeks following treatment with ofloxacin or with various other antibiotics, but especially broad spectrum antibiotics, may be symptomatic of Clostridium difficile-associated disease, the most severe form of which is pseudomembranous colitis.
If a diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis is suspected, ofloxacin should be stopped immediately and appropriate specified antibiotic therapy should be started without delay (e.g. vancomycin or metronidazole)
Tendinitis, less frequently observed, may occasionally lead to rupture, involving more particularly Achilles tendon, and occurring especially in elderly patients. Rupture seems to be favoured by treatment with corticosteroids. The onset of signs of tendinitis requires to stop the treatment, to rest both Achilles tendons by appropriate immobilization or special heel pieces, and to take orthopaedic advice.
Ofloxacin may aggravate myasthenia gravis.
Ofloxacin may inhibit the growth ofMycobacterium tuberculosis, giving false-negative results, in the bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculosis.
The serum concentration of ofloxacin should be monitored in patients with severe renal impairment and haemodialysis patients.
Although this has not been reported, the possibility cannot be ruled out that fluoroquinolones may trigger an attack of porphyria in predisposed patients.

TARIVID should be swallowed whole with a little liquid. It may be taken on an empty stomach or with meals.
If the treatment has been initiated via I.V. route, it is usually possible to switch to oral route at the same dosage after a few days, when the patients condition has improved.
The dosage should be determined according to the sensitivity of the causative organism and the severity of the infection.
The following dosages are recommended:
Uncomplicated Cystitis:
100 mg twice daily for 3-7 days.
200 mg twice daily for 5-7 days.
Infections of the lower respiratory tract:
400 mg twice daily for 7 -10 days. The daily dose may be altered depending on the severity of the infection.
Uncomplicated urethral and cervical gonorrhoea:
A single dose of 400 mg.
Urethritis and cervicitis due to Chlamydia trachomatis:
600 mg daily in divided doses for up to 7 days.
Prevention of infections in patients with neutropenia:
400 to 600 mg daily in divided doses.
It may be necessary to increase the dose to 600 mg or 800 mg ofloxacin daily in the presence of pathogens of varying sensitivity, in severe infections.

The dosage of TARIVID I.V. is determined by the severity and type of infection and the sensitivity of the causative organisms.
The usual dosage is 100-200 mg twice daily. For severe infections the dosage may be increased to 400 mg twice daily. Intravenous therapy should be discontinued as soon as oral TARIVID therapy can be substituted.
TARIVID I.V. should be infused SLOWLY over a period of 30-60 minutes.
TARIVID I.V. should be used as soon as the infusion vial has been opened. If its compatibility with other infusion solutions has not been proven, TARIVID I.V. should as a rule be administered separately.
TARIVID I.V. is compatible with the following infusion solutions:
Isotonic saline solution, Ringer’s solution, fructose solution 5%, glucose solution 5%.
Any unused portion of the I.V. solution must be discarded.
Heparin should not he administered in the same intravenous infusion fluid because of the risk of precipitation.
Impaired renal function:
For patients with impaired renal function and elderly patients the dosage of TARIVID should be adjusted according to the degree of impairment. With a creatinine clearance of less than 50 mL to 20 mL/min, a normal single dose should be administered every 24 hours, e.g. 200 mg once daily. With a creatinine clearance of less than 20 mL/min, the normal single dose should be given initially. This dose should then be reduced to half and administered every 24 hours, e.g. 200 mg initially, thereafter 100 mg once daily.
Dosage in patients with impaired liver function:
The excretion of ofloxacin may be reduced in patients with severe liver function disorders (e.g. cirrhosis of the liver with ascites). A maximum daily dose of 400 mg ofloxacin should therefore not be exceeded.

Effects on the gastro-intestinal tract:
Gastro-intestinal symptoms may occur (gastric or abdominal symptoms, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea). If severe and persistent diarrhoea occurs during or after therapy, the physician should be informed because in a few cases this may point to a serious intestinal disorder (pseudomembranous colitis which is generally due to Clostridium difficile - see WARNINGS) which requires immediate treatment. In such cases TARIVID must be discontinued immediately and suitable therapy initiated. Products inhibiting peristalsis are contra-indicated.
Effects on the central nervous system:
Disturbances of the nervous system, e.g. weakness, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances: insomnia, nightmares, drowsiness, unsteady gait and tremor (disturbances of muscular coordination), numbness and tingling (paresthesiae), visual disturbances such as blurred vision, double vision and abnormal colour vision, disturbances of the senses of taste and smell, hearing and equilibrium, psychotic reactions such as restlessness, agitation, anxiety, depression and confusion and hallucinations, sometimes progressing to self-endangering behaviour. These reactions have occurred mainly in elderly patients and patients with impaired renal function, but not exclusively. In some cases these reactions have occurred already after the first dose. In the event of such adverse reactions, TARIVID should be discontinued immediately and the doctor informed. Seizures, and less frequently extrapyramidal symptoms may occur.
Muco-cutaneous effects:
Allergic manifestations may occur, in particular hypersensitivity reactions of the skin such as pruritis, rash. Pustular eruption, single cases of bullous eruption (erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome or exceptionally, toxic epidermal necrolysis). Vascular purpura and systemic necrotising angeitis may occur in less frequent cases. There have been fleabite-like haemorrhages (petechiae), the formation of blood blisters (haemorrhagic bullae) and small nodules (papules) with crust formation indicating vessel involvement (vasculitis), allergic inflammation of the lungs (pneumonitis), and fever.
Skin reactions on exposure to strong sunlight, have been reported (photosensitisation). Therefore exposure to sunlight and UV radiation should be avoided during treatment with TARIVID.
With the administration of TARIVID I.V. local irritation, pain at the site of injection, phlebitis or thrombo-phlebitis have been observed.
Anaphylactoid or anaphylactic reactions:
Acute anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions may occur, sometimes even after the first dose. It may manifest as hypotension, (a fall in blood pressure), burning sensation in the eyes, tickling cough and nasal catarrh, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes involving the face, tongue and larynx (hoarseness, difficulty in breathing) respiratory distress (also caused by bronchial spasm) or circulatory collapse (shock) may develop. In the event of such reactions, treatment with TARIVID should be discontinued immediately. Medical treatment (therapy for shock) is imperative.
Effects on the blood:
There have been cases of changes in the blood picture (eosinophilia, neutropenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, anaemia, pancytopenia, haemolytic anaemia, bone marrow depression)
Effects on the kidneys and liver:
Transient increases in liver enzymes (ALAT, ASAT, LDH, gamma-GT and/or alkaline phosphatase) and/or bilirubin or hepatitis may occur. Crystalluria may also occur, as well as increases in serum creatinine, interstitial nephritis sometimes progressing to acute renal failure.
Effects on the musculoskeletal system:
Myalgia and arthralgia (pain). Inflammation and rupture of tendons (e.g. the Achilles tendon may occur within 48 hours after starting the treatment and may be bilateral (see WARNINGS). This has occurred particularly in patients treated concurrently with corticosteroids. In the event of signs of inflammation of a tendon, treatment with TARIVID must be discontinued immediately and appropriate treatment for the affected tendon, initiated. Less frequently cases of myopathy and/or rhabdomyolysis may occur.
Less frequently, hypoglycaemia in diabetics treated with hypoglycaemic agents may occur.
Treatment with ofloxacin may enhance development of resistant micro organisms and fungal growth.
TARIVID may result in an acceleration of the heart beat as well as a decrease in blood pressure which may be severe particularly after infusions and especially when given too rapidly. In the event of a serious decrease in blood pressure TARIVID I.V. should be discontinued. In less frequent cases, as a consequence of a pronounced drop in blood pressure, circulatory collapse may occur. Blood pressure should be monitored frequently during the infusion.
Experience to date shows that the adverse reaction to TARIVID treatment resolves on discontinuation of the preparation. The physician should always be informed of side-effects that have occurred.

Antacids containing aluminium, including sucralfate, and magnesium hydroxides, aluminium phosphate or calcium, zinc, iron are liable to reduce the absorption of TARIVID. In such cases TARIVID should be taken about 2 hours before taking such preparations.
There are indications of a pronounced lowering of the cerebral seizure threshold when quinolones are given concurrently with other medicines that lower the seizure threshold, e.g. theophylline. The possibility cannot be ruled out with certainty that during treatment with TARIVID, as with other quinolones, the effect of coumarin derivatives may be intensified. Patients undergoing concomitant treatment with coumarin derivatives should therefore be monitored carefully.
Excessive rises or falls in blood-sugar level may occur in isolated cases, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus. Ofloxacin may cause a slight increase in serum concentrations of glibenclamide if administered concurrently, it is therefore recommended that patients treated concomitantly with TARIVID and glibenclamide be monitored particularly closely.
The concomitant use of TARIVID I.V. and hypotensive medicines and barbiturates may cause a fall in blood pressure.
Particularly in case of high dose therapy, mutual impairment of excretion and an increase in serum levels must be considered when quinolones are administered together with other medicines that also undergo renal tubular secretion (such as probenecid, cimetidine, furosemide or methotrexate)

See side-effects and special precautions. The most important signs to be expected following acute overdosage are CNS symptoms such as confusion, dizziness, impairment of consciousness and seizures as well as gastro-intestinal reactions such as nausea and mucosal erosions. In the event of overdose, gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment should be implemented. No specific antidote exists.

TARIVID 200 mg Tablet: A pale, yellowish-white, oblong, biconvex, film-coated tablet, scored on both sides with MXI imprinted on one side of the score and the company logo on the other side. On the other side of the tablet the imprint is reversed.
TARIVID 400 mg Tablet: A pale, yellowish-white, oblong, biconvex, film-coated tablet, scored on both sides. Both sides imprinted MXL and the company logo.
TARIVID I.V. 200 mg: A clear, slightly yellow solution in a 100 mL infusion vial.

TARIVID 200 mg Tablets: Cardboard containers with opaque blister packs containing 6, 10 or 100 tablets each.
TARIVID 400 mg Tablets: Cardboard containers with one or more opaque blister packs of 10 tablets each.
TARIVID I.V. 200 mg: 5 Infusion vials of 100 mL.

Store below 25°C in a dry place.
Protect from light. Keep in the pack until required.
Once the infusion vial has been opened, the infusion solution must be used without delay.
Do not use later than the date of expiry.
Keep out of reach of children.

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Mobil Ferrari Terbaru

Mobil Ferrari Terbaru Ferrari 599 GTO
Ferrari menyiapkan mobil terbaru versi ekstrem dari model 599 GTB Fiorano, mampu mengembangkan mencapai 700 tenaga kuda dan kecepatan tertinggi 217 mph.

Ferrari bersiap untuk mahkota siklus hidup dari 599 GTB Fiorano dengan edisi yang ekstrem, yang akan menerima panggilan ” GTO “, seperti 250 GTO yang legendaris pada 1962 dan 288 GTO pada tahun 1984.
Dalam mobil super dari Maranello akan mencoba untuk memenuhi tanggung jawabnya dengan bantuan sebuah mesin 6,0 liter V12, yang menjanjikan 700 tenaga kuda pada 9.000 revs. Sumber daya yang akan cukup untuk percepatan mempersingkat waktu dari 0-60 mph hanya 3,2 detik dan untuk membiarkan 599GTO masa depan mencapai kecepatan tertinggi 217 mph.
Amedeo Felisa, Rearing Horse CEO berkata, dalam sebuah wawancara baru-baru ini, bahwa versi GTO 599 berarti untuk kedepan apa yang dimaksud Scuderia F430 dan akan menjadi langkah pertama dalam perubahan model identitas.
599 GTO masa depan tidak lagi mengidentifikasi dirinya dengan segmen gran-turismo, tetapi akan berusaha untuk menjadi sebuah produk sport berorientasi pada kinerja.
599 GTO yang baru akan jalan hanya versi yang jauh lebih eksklusif 599XX, meluncurkan musim semi lalu di Jenewa. Penampilan GTO’s akan jauh melebihi apa yang mereka lakukan setelah berhasil dengan versi 599 HGTE.
Mobil Ferrari Terbaru Ferrari 599 GTO masa depan ini akan diproduksi dalam jumlah terbatas, yang harganya akan berkisar antara € 330.000 dan € 350.000 ($ 470.000 – $ 500.000).